My Aquazone

My Photo
Location: Connecticut, United States

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Set of Xylon's photos

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

New Betta!

A few weeks ago, I got a beautiful new female betta. At first, she didn't seem like much because of the stress she was under, and her left pectoral fin was half gone! However, now that she is properly acclimated, she is doing very well. She is a shiny, metallic blue veiltail (VT), and I named her Allison. I'll have pictures soon!
I also started a brand new website,
My new website is for my aquarium care and setup, i.e., I come to your home/office in order to help you set up and maintain the aquarium of your dreams.

NOTICE: I CANNOT setup the aquarium of MY dreams, simply because it would be full of evil zebra danios and massive freshwater jellyfish.