My Aquazone

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Location: Connecticut, United States

Monday, August 28, 2006


Two weeks ago, my mom got me a ten gallon aquarium. First, she brought in more guppies, so I floated them in my smaller aquarium. I thought I had no ten galloner. Then I walked around and noticed the ten gal. , set it up, and and put in the fish. I am still waiting for my guppies to give birth. There were a few deaths, but my aquarium is stable.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I recently got a ten gal. aquarium for 1.50 with a heater 2 filters, fake plants, and a crack. I sealed it with a glue gun, and filled it up. I added gravel, snails, and floated the fish. And it leaked. So I emptied it, and put things back to normal. I need to get silicone glue. I got the fish for an experiment. A harmless one, of course.

The beginning

I'm a beginner aquarist. I recently got a betta.
Named him Bruce. A couple weeks later I got 3 guppies and 3 danios for a 3-5 gallon tank/w undergravel filter. 1 of each died.